Introducing Mythos Coaching

Mythos definition: a myth or mythology

  • (In literature) a traditional or recurrent narrative theme or plot structure
  • A set of beliefs or assumptions about something

We all use stories to make sense of the world.

Storytelling itself isn’t negative. However, when a “recurrent narrative theme or plot structure” takes hold it can filter our experience in such a way that it reinforces a negative pattern or dynamic. Many times the stories we tell ourselves are simply not true. They are nothing more than ‘mythos’ or ‘confabulations’ in the words of Brené Brown:

“A confabulation is a lie told honestly”

Coaching is all about creating distance between yourself and your honest lies so you can step into a new narrative that supports a different way of being.

In a typical coaching session I will use a mixture of tools and powerful questions for use to explore your chosen issue.

Example tools we might use include:

  • Body Compass – we learn how to use the body as a navigational tool
  • Thought work – we questions our thoughts and learn how thoughts influence behaviours
  • Metaphor work and ‘Living space’ tools – using creative and imaginative tools for deeper work
  • Dream analysis – we break down your dream into its parts for an in-depth analysis about what it might be telling you
  • IFS – ‘parts’ work where we identify and work with the different ‘parts’ of ourselves
  • Breathing and meditation exercises

For an overview of my services click here.

Example coaching topics include but are not limited to:

  • “I’m finding it hard at work to stand up for myself, say what I really want and tell people how I really feel, how do I find my voice?
  • “I really want to get fit this year but every time I make plans to exercise I start to self-sabotage, what’s getting in the way?”
  • “I started a new job and I have major imposter syndrome, I want to get past this to be more effective in my role”
  • “I really want to experience more joy in my life but I’m so weighed down by obligation. Everything feels so heavy, I can’t imagine ever finding the time for fun”
  • “I really want to prioritize my personal development but I am experiencing so much resistance, how do I get past this in order to move forward”
  • “People keep taking advantage of my kind nature and good will. I feel so powerless, how do I get better at my interpersonal relationships?”

What story do you want to own?

What people are saying

“Amanda is such a warm soul, I love her dual coaching and scientific approach to our sessions. She gives me the space to challenge my thoughts and look at the big and little picture. She has helped me feel more into my intuition to serve myself better in my day to day life. Would recommend Amanda to anyone looking for a life coach.”

— Arma, Mythos Coaching Client

“Soulful and brilliantly intuitive, Amanda uses her profound wisdom to gently guide you on to a path of clarity that you discover you had all along inside of you. I love working with her and will continue for my lifetime. I highly recommend you do as well.”

— Cambria, Mythos Coaching Client

“Amanda is a wonderfully sensitive, empathic and focused coach. She offers loads of helpful tools and frameworks, yet always encourages YOU to be empowered in the journey of your self-discovery. You couldn’t ask for a kinder and clearer coach to encourage your journey – from learning to set boundaries in toxic relationships, to feeling into what really brings you joy, to identifying future dreams and helping you discover a pathway to make them come true”

— Shannon, Long-term Mythos Coaching Client

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